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Logo Communications Circle

Focused and flexible

Creating added value – the basis for process-oriented communications.

The "Circle"

Here in its form and in its structure. Communications in my eyes is as an ongoing process, the control of which must be approached consciously. This requires analysis, the definition of objectives, dialog groups and messages. Based on this, the actions are defined. Their effect must be continuously evaluated to be able to make adaptations if required.

The circle therefore symbolizes a process-oriented, comprehensive, and networked approach. Depending on the scope of the project, I can involve strategic partnerships and access an extensive professional network of subject-matter experts.

Kommunikations-Kreislauf von Communications Circle mit den 4 Phasen Konzeption, Kreation, Aktion und Evaluation.

Is the creation of social and economic values part of your mission? Do you offer your customers added value while keeping an eye on the social and environmental components?

Along the communication cycle, I would like to accompany you step-by-step through individual process phases or throughout the entire cycle.

In an initial interview, we evaluate the big picture: Where do you stand and where do you want to go? And in which period of time?

Forms of work

Embedded Communicator

Taking over temporary assignments on site or from my agency office.

Allround Communicator

Communication services as an integrated overall task or from sub-areas at company, department, product, and service level.

Editor & Copy Writer

Focus on the content creation of texts for the defined media mix (print and digital), team-oriented and cross-functional.

Freelance Translator

Adaptation and transcreation of content from English or French into the German language (for Switzerland).


Depending on the scope of the project, I work in strategic partnerships or draw in experts from my professional network.